Goji Berry Advance Review

The Goji Berry Secrets

Once you have celebrated your 20th birthday, your body gradually starts ageing more and more. Adding Goji Berry in your diet helps you fight ageing and stay younger. Read further to discover how this could be possible.
Goji berry is another name for wolfberries; species of boxthorn in the family Solanaceae (which also includes potatoes, tomatoes, chili pepper, and tobacco). It originates in Asia and the South East of Europe. You can find over eighteen types of amino-acids in the Goji Berries, 6 essential Vitamins (vitamins E1, C, B2…), a high concentration of Beta-carotene (even more than in carrots themselves!!!) and lutein (essential for the eye sight), many phenolic pigments with antioxidant properties, and eleven essential dietary minerals such as iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium. In a nutshell, Goji Berries are one of the richest source of micronutrients and phytochemicals that can be found in a natural state. (more details in Wikipedia)

Goji Berry in the past

The legend says that Goji Berry was first discovered a long long time ago in Tibet by Buddhist monks while they were travelling through the mountains. One of the monks ran into a wolf berries plant and decided to give it a try. He found them delicious and decided it would be a great addition to their meals. They didn't take long to notice that the monks who were eating the berries had a much better health, and as time passed, that they were living longer than those who didn't eat them. The secret of this "fountain of youth" was kept for a long time within the Tibetan monasteries, where they were essentially consumed to increase the lifespan of the monks. It is only quite recently that the Goji Berries have been introduced to the West. With the progress of science, it was discovered that not only the fruit is increasing the lifespan, but also had many other properties, such as healing burns or abrasion, improving eyesight, strengthening the immune system, among other things. It is now more and more used in diet plans in the modern life.

The Secret of Staying Young

The Goji Berries are now more and more commonly used in health and beauty products and you can find them added to healthy beverages, skin care ointments, lotions and creams for the body and some luxury cosmetics too. Consumers find them attractive not only because of their antioxidant properties but also because of their non-toxic characteristics, which guarantees that the berries have no side effects.

Scientific Studies about Goji Berry

Many humans have been tested and studies have been published about the affects which these berries have after consumption. According to a study conducted by a Chinese Journal of Oncology, 79 people with cancer showed positive results after they started the new diet plan including the red berries. Other studies have been conducted which also state and prove that the antioxidants contained by goji extracts prevents the growth of cancer cells in the body. Other positive results in cancer patients are reduction of blood glucose level and cholesterol levels. Though there is no guarantee that it will have the same effect on everyone who consumes the red berries.

Benefits of Goji Berry for your Health

We have seen what the Goji berries contain, but how does it effectively impact on your health? Here are some of them, that I have extracted from a long list:

Increase the production of Growth Hormone: as we get older, our body produces less and less Human growth hormones. A man in his 20s produces ten times more for these hormones than a man in his 70s. One consequence of this is a decrease in energy as well, and a noticeable increase in body fat. The potassium contained in the Goji Berries boosts the production of these human growth hormones via the 
pituitary gland. They also contains two important amino-acids: the l-arginine and the l-glutamine, which also have a strong positive impact in the production of Human growth hormones. One of the more noticeable effect of a higher production of these hormones will materialise with a smoother and more flexible skin, which will definitely makes you look younger.

Boost of your Sexual Power: Goji berry also has a positive impact on your sexual performance. As you know, the sexual drive decreases with age. The wolf berries actually  augment the testosterone production. The berry has been used as a sexual tonic for centuries in Asia, and it is known to also improve the stamina in general. 

Increases your Energy:  When consuming the wold berries, it actually increases your power and energy by having a positive impact on the adrenal glands, and it will also lower your stress level, which is also one of the main cause of premature ageing.

Goji Berry Official Website

Improves your eye sight: The lutein and 
zeaxanthin contained in the Goji berries are well known to improve the vision and to re-enforce your retina, helping to prevent diabetic retinopathy and cataracts which are common symptoms of ageing persons.

Better Cholesterol control: These berries are known to increase production of an enzyme called the superoxide dismutase or SOD. Mainly responsible for producing antioxidants, these SODs are responsible for controlling cholesterol. That is not all! It also elevates the blood pressure level.

Monitor Vital Organs: So, now that we know that diseases such as cancer and so on can be treated by these berries. What else can these super fruits do? They also help in maintaining the blood sugar level and improve the liver and digestive system. That is not all; the fruit detoxifies the liver and guards it from diseases such as hepatitis virus. It also improves the digestive system and helps in recovering from diseases such as ulcers.

The fatty acids in the berries stimulate the production of collagen which helps in acquiring a younger-looking and well moisturized skin.

Sleep Improvement: A rich source of nutrients such as Vitamin B1 and Magnesium, the berries ensure that you get a healthy sleep. While the vitamin alleviates depression, magnesium reduces the time taken by people to fall asleep.

Common Forms

If you are impressed with the healing and therapeutic powers the berries and want to try them, take a note that it is not that easy to purchase and track it. Many experts recommend eating it raw or brew it with tea. In China it is also added to soups. But if that is not the way you want to consume it, you can buy a bottle of goji berry juice from a snack food depot or a health food store.

For a better deal, one can also order it online in reputable online stores. Though one must remember that a number of cheap imitations are also available and you might also be subject to internet scams associated with goji berry. With a little cautiousness, one can avoid such scams and frauds and buy a bottle of goji juice online. Click on the link to get a discounted price on the product.